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Michael Ewers Dipl. Rel. Paed., MPH, Dr. PH, Univ.-Prof.

Peer Functions & Professional Memberships

Speaker of the Section Public Health Nursing of the German Association of Public Health e.V. (DGPH)

Member of the Expert Group for the development of a National Action Plan for Health Literacy for Germany (since 2017)

Member of the Expert Group for the preparation of a National Health Literacy Agenda for Germany (since 2016)

Member of the Steering Committee of the National Research Programmme NFP 67 "End of Life" of the Swiss National Science Foundation

Presidency of 9th Congress of the German Palliative Care Society / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (2010 – 2012) in Berlin / Germany

Member of the Medical Committee (2010 – 2012) of the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat)

Member of the Committee “Research in Nursing and Allied Health Professions” (2009 – 2012) of the German Health Research Council (Gesundheitsforschungsrat), Federal Ministry of Education & Research

Member of the Commission for Education at the Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin

Member of different scientific associations and boards e.g.

German Society of Nursing Science (DGP e.V.)

German Society of Palliative Care (DGP e.V.)

German Association for Health Sciences and Public Health (DVGPH e.V.)

German Hospice and Palliative Care Association (DHPV e.V.)

German Association of Case and Care Management (DGCC e.V.)

German Alliance Global Health

Peer Reviewer for several national and international Nursing and Health Sciences / Public Health or Education Science Journals 


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