to my official website. Here
you will find some information about me, my
professional background and my current teaching and
research activities. Please notice that not all all of
the information provided on this website is in
Since 2009 I am Full Professor for Health Professions Education at the Charité -
Universitaetsmedizin Berlin. The Charité is a joint
institution and represents a single medical faculty,
which serves both Humboldt-Universitaet
zu Berlin and Freie
Universitaet Berlin. It is one of the largest
university hospitals in Europe. Here, 3800 doctors and
scientists heal, do research and teach at the top
international level. Charité extends over four campuses,
and has close to 100 different Departments and
Institutes, which make up a total of 17 different
Charité Centers. On of them is the CharitéCenter 1 for
Humanities and Health Sciences, in which the Institute
of Health and Nursing Science is integrated.
- Universitaetsmedizin Berlin
Institute of Health and Nursing Science
CVK - Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin / Germany
Fon +49 (0)30 450 529 092
Fax +49 (0)30 450 529 900
Charité Berlin
Campus Locations

Campus Charité Mitte

Campus Benajmin Franklin

Campus Berlin Buch

Campus Virchow Klinikum